Friday, August 27, 2010

Rebellion Against Culture of Death

A young lady I know - the daughter of a friend - talked to me the other day about her favorite book series. The books tell the story of young people rebelling against a dictatorship in the future.

The symbol of the rebellion is a bird, a hybrid that occurred accidentally. It is the symbol of the rebellion BECAUSE it was never supposed to me...transformed to fight evil.
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Friday, August 13, 2010

At Celebrate Recovery

I'm sitting here alone. I want all these people to go away. The woman I was supposed to meet isn't here. Stress! I hate being in a group of new people, anyway. But ...
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Wow. I did it again. I was telling a friend (again) that I wish Jesus would just tell me A-B-C what to do...and I would do it.

That still, small voice whispered to me in a kindly, not condemning way: Oh, yeah? You won't even read the Bible every day.

Right, so right. It is just not true that I anxiously await the Lord's commands so that I can obey.

I think I will read the Word.